Saturday, February 17, 2007

Peace and Quiet

I got home last Monday night. We've enjoyed a week of catching up on sleep, going through two months of mail, laundry, and unpacking all but 2 of our 12 suitcases. Many people are asking when we are leaving for the Philippines. We are waiting for some info from the field and getting things squared away with the home office. We should be able to give you a better idea by March 1. In the meantime please pray for us as we get stuff ready to ship. Please pray for wisdom in the many decisions facing us during this transition.


Angela said...

I am so excited for you guys! I'll be praying much for you. I'm greatful that God had that appointment for us to meet over breakfast! What I did not yet tell you is that My husband, Jim, and I are praying as well to see if the Lord would send us out as missionaries to Haiti. We are waiting on clear direction from the Lord on this and are that much more excited to watch your family begin this journey.

May God bless you in HUGE and unexpected ways!! Joyfully,Angela

Bryonie said...

Welcome back, you guys - we're glad to have found you in blogland.